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Participation Support Application

First Name*
Invalid Input

Last Name*
Invalid Input

Phone Number*
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Street Address*
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Zip Code*
Invalid Input

Date of Birth
Invalid Input


Invalid Input

Ethnic Background
Invalid Input

Parent Guardian Contact

Mother's Name
Invalid Input

Telephone Number
Invalid Input

Email Address
Invalid Input

Father's Name
Invalid Input

Telephone Number
Invalid Input

Email Address
Invalid Input

Who lives in your household? What relationship do you have to the person?
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Where will you live during school months (Address)?
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Zip Code
Invalid Input

Will you be the first in your family to go to college?*
Invalid Input

Your High School*
Invalid Input

Your Graduation Rank*
Invalid Input

Your GPA at Graduation*
Invalid Input

Graduation Date
Invalid Input


Can you commit to participating in life coaching? (3)*
Invalid Input

Can you commit to participating in a mentoring relationship? (4)*
Invalid Input

Can you commit to participating in academic support if needed? (5)*
Invalid Input

Can you commit to participating in volunteer opportunities? (6)*
Invalid Input

Electronic Signature*
Invalid Input

Invalid Input



1. Graduation rates are measured in 6 year periods. Participants must commit to college completion within 5 years and remain on track to be supported by the program.

2. Participants that receive support must commit to being full-time students and cannot work more than 20 hours per week to maintain their active status with the program.

3. Participants will be required to meet with a life coach as needed)per agreed upon schedule to address concerns with personal and academic decisions.

4. Participants will be required to meet with a professional mentor as scheduled.

5. Participants will be required to receive academic support (as needed) to ensure scheduled graduation date is realized.

6. Participants will be required to participate in volunteerships to support community efforts as per agreed upon schedule.

Contact us

  • The Providence on Southmore, Inc.
  • Phone: 713.492.7006
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.